Company Information

Company name Kanno Orimono Co., Inc.
Address 4 Chome-33-40 Katayamacho, Suita, Osaka Prefecture 564-0082, Japan
Phone number 06-6337-0112(Representative)
Founded 1923
Established September 1958 
Representative Representative Director Kanno Tetsuo
History 1923: Founder, the late Kanno Denjiro, opened a store in Noninbashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka City.
1934: Merged with Kanno Syoten Corporation in Otaru City and established a Kanno Syotenbranch in Osaka City
1956: Osaka Kanno Syoten Corporation established.
1958: Kanno Orimono Co., Inc. established, at the same time Kanno Shingo became president.
1989: Relocated to and newly constructed at the current location.
2000: President Kanno Shingo retired and Kanno Tetsuo succeeded him as president.
2001: Exhibited for the first time at the International Premium Incentive Show.
2005: Kanno Yuzo became president.
2006: Certified as a business innovation plans approved company.
2006: Featured In "Houdou Nippon", published by Houdoutsushinsha Co., Ltd.
2009: Acquired ISO9001 (Quality management system)
2011: Featured in "Sen-i-news", published by Daisen Co., Ltd.
2011: Featured in "Nishinippon shimbun", published by Nishinippon Shimbun Co., Ltd.
2011: Featured in "Towel Report", published by Towel Report Co., Ltd.
Main products Original towels, original Japanese towels "TENUGUI", towel products, original bandanas, original wristbands
Relatedsites Kannoorimono original tenugui online shop